Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Triumph of Fake News

I'm sad to say MSIGARMY.com has been purchased by a wingbat alt fascist group. My contract will not be renewed at the end of the year. Both Mikey and I will be replaced by rightwing trolls. Our last shows and blogs will be this summer. Our old shows and blogs have already been removed from the site. I still intend to occasionally make guest DJ appearances on WORT (89.5 FM Madison, WI) if Rev. Sly Velveteen and Bad Sister Heidi continue putting up with me. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Clash of the photo opportunities

Screaming From The Basement: The Best and Worst of Buzz Fugazi from MSIGARMY.com

Clash of the photo opportunities (reposted from ten years ago)

March 23, 2007 - Buzz Fugazi
The insurgency is in its final throes **mortar attack in the green zone... duck and cover... kaboom!**

But wait, there's more... you not only get the incessant brutality and lies, for no extra cost we will waste all the money and then come asking for more!

Still not convinced?

You get the mortar attack, bankruptcy, hypocrisy based on false piety, the vegematic... and a certificate of authenticity from the Vice Presidency announcing that after all the fighting in Iraq, Al Queda is resurging!

Send more blood and money now to help our mismanaged failed policies!

If you are still not satisfied, we guarantee that we will blame the entire mess on people who had no say in the matter until we totally fucked it all up!

If you don't act now, this entire mail order house will be indicted and convicted so hurry while there's still a chance to declare martial law!

The Gorsuch is Right